If you are still wondering why you should use our Face Wash Range, we give you 6 reasons why!!!!!
Your skin deserves so much more than mere soap: Here is why! Soap can make your skin tight and dry by robbing all the natural oil. Joy Skin Fruits Face Wash range is gentle and soft on skin. The range consists of 6 different variants each of which addresses a particular skin type/problem.
Enriched with fruit actives: Joy’s Skin Fruits Face Wash range is enriched with encapsulated fruit bubbles that is crushed on application to the skin. With the daily use of the Face Wash range, it makes your skin glow naturally.
Addresses each skin type/ problem: Unlike other Face Wash range, Joy’s SF Face Wash range offers maximum benefit to you. Each of its 6 variants addresses a particular skin problem. While Apple helps in skin healing and toning, Strawberry helps remove excess oil and retain moisture balance, Orange helps in providing blemished free skin, Apricot’s Vitamin A instantly rejuvenates skin, Kiwi renews and revitalizes skin for a youthful beauty and Lemon imparts a whitening glow.
It’s Natural: Joy’s Skin Fruits Face Wash range is developed with natural fruit extracts. While Apple is a refreshing tonic for the skin, Orange is a natural remedy for acne. Lemon is a natural bleach and Strawberry, a natural exfoliant. Apricot’s Vitamin A is ideal for dry skin and Kiwi’s Vitamin E is known to regenerate skin cells.
Makes Skin 100% Healthier: If you don’t like eating fruits then apply them on your face! Joy’s Fruity Face Washes offers purity to the skin. The product made developed with natural ingredients provides natural glow, smoothness and softness to the skin by maintaining the skin’s natural oil balance. Daily use of the product promotes healthy, clear and beautiful skin.
Fights most skin disorders/problems: Joy’s Face Wash range is highly dedicated in fighting almost all skin disorders. Each fruit variant takes care of a particular skin problem.
Your skin deserves so much more than mere soap: Here is why! Soap can make your skin tight and dry by robbing all the natural oil. Joy Skin Fruits Face Wash range is gentle and soft on skin. The range consists of 6 different variants each of which addresses a particular skin type/problem.
Enriched with fruit actives: Joy’s Skin Fruits Face Wash range is enriched with encapsulated fruit bubbles that is crushed on application to the skin. With the daily use of the Face Wash range, it makes your skin glow naturally.
Addresses each skin type/ problem: Unlike other Face Wash range, Joy’s SF Face Wash range offers maximum benefit to you. Each of its 6 variants addresses a particular skin problem. While Apple helps in skin healing and toning, Strawberry helps remove excess oil and retain moisture balance, Orange helps in providing blemished free skin, Apricot’s Vitamin A instantly rejuvenates skin, Kiwi renews and revitalizes skin for a youthful beauty and Lemon imparts a whitening glow.
It’s Natural: Joy’s Skin Fruits Face Wash range is developed with natural fruit extracts. While Apple is a refreshing tonic for the skin, Orange is a natural remedy for acne. Lemon is a natural bleach and Strawberry, a natural exfoliant. Apricot’s Vitamin A is ideal for dry skin and Kiwi’s Vitamin E is known to regenerate skin cells.
Makes Skin 100% Healthier: If you don’t like eating fruits then apply them on your face! Joy’s Fruity Face Washes offers purity to the skin. The product made developed with natural ingredients provides natural glow, smoothness and softness to the skin by maintaining the skin’s natural oil balance. Daily use of the product promotes healthy, clear and beautiful skin.
Fights most skin disorders/problems: Joy’s Face Wash range is highly dedicated in fighting almost all skin disorders. Each fruit variant takes care of a particular skin problem.